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A list of all pages that have property "Title" with value "Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) 1994". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 126 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • SmartCom 2017  + (SmartCom 2017 : The 2nd International Conference on Smart Computing and Communication)
  • SnT 2019  + (SnT 2019 – CTBT: Science and Technology Conference)
  • SoCPaR 2016  + (SoCPaR 2016 : 8th International Conference on Soft Computing & Pattern Recognition)
  • SoICT 2017  + (SoICT 2017 : The Eighth International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology)
  • SoMeRis 2016  + (SoMeRis 2016 : 2nd International ICDM Workshop on Data Science for Social Media and Risk (SoMeRis 2016))
  • SCFBI 2007  + (Social Communication Following Brain Injury)
  • SMART 2013  + (Social Media in Acadeia: Research and Teaching)
  • SWKM 2008  + (Social Web and Knowledge Management)
  • SITE 2009  + (Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference)
  • ST&D 2008  + (Society for Text and Discourse)
  • SEG 2009  + (Society of Exploration Geophysicists 79th Annual Meeting)
  • Società - Forum for Ethics, Art and Law  + (Società - Forum for Ethics, Art and Law)
  • QoSA 2007  + (Software Architectures, Components, and Applications, Third International Conference on Quality of Software Architectures)
  • SODES2009  + (Software Dependability Symposium)
  • SE 2010  + (Software Engineering)
  • SEPA at ICCSA 2009  + (Software Engineering Processes and Applications)
  • SEAMS 2008  + (Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems)
  • SETMDM 2008  + (Software Engineering for Tailor-made Data Management)
  • SWEiP 2009  + (Software Engineering in Practice (at ICSE 2009))
  • SENSE 2009  + (Software Engineering within Social Software Environments)
  • SFK 2016  + (Software Freedom Kosova)
  • SHIFT 2019  + (Software Hardware Interaction Faults co-located with ISSRE 2019)
  • Software Quality Journal  + (Software Quality Journal)
  • QRS  + (Software Quality, Reliability, and Security (was International Conference on Quality Software, QSIC, that merged with SERE 2015))
  • STEP  + (Software Technology and Engineering Practice Conference)
  • Software Testing, Verification & Reliability  + (Software Testing, Verification & Reliability)
  • SETQANLP 2008  + (Software engineering, testing, and quality assurance for natural language processing)
  • SABRE 2009  + (Software, Agents, And Services For Business, Research, And E-Sciences)
  • SQMB 2009  + (Software-Qualitätsmodellierung und –bewertung)
  • SSMC 2008  + (Solid State and Materials Chemistry)
  • SCMC 2008  + (Solid State and Materials Chemistry)
  • SPM 2017  + (Solid and Physical Modeling 2017)
  • SPM 2019  + (Solid and Physical Modeling 2019)
  • SAC-WIA 2007  + (South Asian Conference on Water in Agriculture)
  • SW/TX PCA ACA 2008  + (Southwest/Texas Popular and American Culture)
  • SIGIR  + (Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval)
  • UbiCC Sp. Issue 2009  + (Special Issue CFP - New Technologies, Mobility and Security - UbiCC Joural)
  • Springer-ECRJ JOURNAL CFP 2009  + (Special Issue of Electronic Commerce Research Journal on Trust and Privacy Aspects of Electronic Commerce)
  • Journal of Information Technology & Poli 2008  + (Special Issue of the Journal of Information Technology & Politics on Text Annotation for Political Science Research.)
  • UWB Systems in Biomedicine, IJUWBCS 2009  + (Special Issue on Applications of Ultra Wideband Systems in Biomedicine, International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems (IJUWBCS))
  • Computer Journal 2008  + (Special Issue on Artificial Societies for Ambient Intelligence)
  • JBI: BNLP 2009  + (Special Issue on Biomedical Natural Language Processing: Journal of Biomedical Informatics)
  • TIM - Biometrics 2009  + (Special Issue on Biometric Instrumentation and Measurements - IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement)
  • INS Special Issue on Collective Intelligence  + (Special Issue on Collective Intelligence)
  • JAAMS 2009  + (Special Issue on Computational Social Choice)
  • IJDSST 2009  + (Special Issue on Decision Support System Technology)
  • Sp. Issue on Personalization 2008  + (Special Issue on Intelligent Techniques for Personalization and Recommendation)
  • GDN Journal 2009  + (Special Issue on Multicriteria Analysis in GDSS/NSS)
  • TASLP-PMRL 2008  + (Special Issue on Processing Morphologically Rich Languages, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing)
  • Special issue JCSE 2008  + (Special Issue on Real-Time Distributed Computing and Ubiquitous Computing in Memory of Professor Moon Hae Kim)
  • Special Issue: T. F. Evolut. Comp. (Yao) 2009  + (Special Issue on Theoretical Foundations of Evolutionary Computation in Theoretical Computer Science (Elsevier))
  • UbiCC Journal - Special Issue  + (Special Issue on Ubiquitous Computing Security Systems)
  • AESC 2010  + (Special Session on Agent-Enabled Social Computing)
  • APSIPA ASC 2009  + (Special Session on Low-Level Color Image Processing)
  • SI at SIS08  + (Special Session on Swarm Intelligence for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks at SIS08)
  • ICECS 2008  + (Special Session on Systems and Information Security)
  • NLP 2008  + (Special Track On Natural Language Processing)
  • CPASW 2008  + (Special Track on Cross-Platform Aspects of the Social Web)
  • ACM SAC 2008  + (Special Track on Data Mining)
  • ACM SAC UAS 2009  + (Special Track on Universally-Accessible Systems (ACM Symposium on Applied Computing))
  • Speclial Issue of JoCS on Intelligent CT 2016  + (Speclial Issue of JoCS on Intelligent CT 2016 : Elsevier-Journal of Computational Science- Special Issue On Intelligent Computational Techniques (Intelligent CT))
  • SGPVPECA  + (Speech and Gesture Production in Virtually and Physically Embodied Conversational Agents)
  • SLT  + (Spoken Language Technology Workshop)
  • SpringSim 2009  + (Spring Simulation Conference)
  • SpringSim 2017  + (SpringSim 2017 : Spring Simulation Multi-Conference)
  • Springer  + (Springer)
  • Springer International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer  + (Springer International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer)
  • St. Petersburg State University, Russia  + (St. Petersburg State University, Russia)
  • STPDM 2007  + (Stability Testing in Pharmaceutical Development and Manufacturing)
  • SAS  + (Static Analysis Symposium)
  • SAS 2020  + (Static Analysis Symposium)
  • LONCON 2008  + (Static No.7: Catastrophe (London Consortium))
  • Stem Cell Summit Europe 2007  + (Stem Cell Summit Europe 2007)
  • Stevens Institute of Technology  + (Stevens Institute of Technology)
  • SBMW 2008  + (Stony Brook Modeling Week)
  • SSPR  + (Structural and Syntactical Pattern Recognition)
  • SSPR 2020  + (Structural and Syntactical Pattern Recognition)
  • SKIL 2012  + (Studentenkonferenz Informatik Leipzig 2012)
  • SKILL2017  + (Studierendenkonferenz Informatik 2017)
  • SuCoFo 2016  + (SuCoFo 2016 : 1st International Summer School on Computational Forensics (SuCoFo2016) Gjøvik, Norway, 5-9 September 2016)
  • SCSU: Graphic Narrative 2009  + (Subcultures, Semiotics, Sexualities, and Superheroes: Textual/Pictorial Methodologies in Graphic Narrative Media)
  • Suicidal Remains and Resistance 2017 : Special Edited Collection: Suicidal Remains and Resistance  + (Suicidal Remains and Resistance 2017 : Special Edited Collection: Suicidal Remains and Resistance)
  • SCSC  + (Summer Computer Simulation Conference)
  • Theory and Empirical Evidence 2007  + (Summer Course: Asset Pricing: Theory and Empirical Evidence)
  • AACIMP 2011  + (Summer School “Achievements and Applications of Contemporary Informatics, Mathematics and Physics ”)
  • SummerSim  + (Summer Simulation Conference)
  • SummerSim 2019  + (Summer Simulation Conference)
  • SummerSim 2020  + (Summer Simulation Conference)
  • SummerSim 2018  + (Summer Simulation Multi Conference)
  • Sustainable Finance 2017  + (Sustainable Finance 2017 : Designing a sustainable financial system: Development goals and socio-ecological responsibility)
  • SLTC 2008  + (Swedish Language Technology Conference)
  • Symbolism 2016  + (Symbolism 2016 : International Seminar on “Symbolism in Indian Art, Archaeology and Literature”)
  • VLSI  + (Symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits)
  • VLSI 2020  + (Symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits)
  • ICCES 2009  + (Symposium Image Processing and Analysis: International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Scienc)
  • MASCOTS  + (Symposium Model Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems)
  • MASCOTS 2020  + (Symposium Model Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems)
  • SOUPS  + (Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security)
  • SARA  + (Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation)
  • ADBIS  + (Symposium on Advances in DB and Information Systems)
  • ALENEX 2020  + (Symposium on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments)
  • ALENEX  + (Symposium on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments)
  • ANCS 2008  + (Symposium on Architecture for Networking and Communications Systems)
  • ANCS 2007  + (Symposium on Architecture for Networking and Communications Systems)
  • SCA 2020  + (Symposium on Computer Animation)
  • DocEng 2008  + (Symposium on Document Engineering)
  • MHE 2007  + (Symposium on Emerging Developments in Multi-Hazard Engineering)
  • FPGA  + (Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays)
  • MassPar  + (Symposium on Frontiers of Massively Parallel Processing)
  • SGP  + (Symposium on Geometry Processing)
  • HOTCHIPS  + (Symposium on High Performance Chips)
  • HOTCHIPS 2020  + (Symposium on High Performance Chips)
  • I3D 2008  + (Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games)
  • ILC 2009  + (Symposium on Learning Control)
  • COMMONSENSE  + (Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning)
  • LFCS 2018  + (Symposium on Logical Foundations Of Computer Science)
  • LFCS 2016  + (Symposium on Logical Foundations Of Computer Science)
  • LFCS 2020  + (Symposium on Logical Foundations Of Computer Science 2020)
  • NSDI  + (Symposium on Networked Systems, Design and Implementation)
  • SPAA  + (Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures)
  • SPAA 2020  + (Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures)
  • Phonologization 2008  + (Symposium on Phonologization)
  • PODS  + (Symposium on Principles of Database Systems)
  • PODS 2020  + (Symposium on Principles of Database Systems)
  • PODS 1993  + (Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) 1993)
  • PODS 1994  + (Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) 1994)
  • PODS 1995  + (Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) 1995)
  • PODS 1996  + (Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) 1996)
  • PODS 1997  + (Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) 1997)
  • PODS 1998  + (Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) 1998)
  • PODS 1999  + (Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) 1999)
  • PODS 2000  + (Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) 2000)
  • PODS 2001  + (Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) 2001)
  • PODS 2002  + (Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) 2002)
  • PODS 2003  + (Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) 2003)
  • PODS 2004  + (Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) 2004)
  • PODS 2005  + (Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) 2005)
  • PODS 2006  + (Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) 2006)
  • PODS 2007  + (Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS) 2007)
  • PLILP  + (Symposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming)
  • SRDS  + (Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems)
  • SREIS 2008  + (Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information Security)
  • STEP 2008  + (Symposium on Semantics in Systems for Text Processing)
  • SimAUD  + (Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design)
  • SPM-1 2016  + (Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2016)
  • SPM 2020  + (Symposium on Solid and Physical Modelling)
  • UMS 2008  + (Symposium on Ubiquitous Multimedia Service)
  • SWL III 2008  + (Syntax of the World's Languages III)
  • SysCon 2017  + (SysCon 2017 : IEEE International Systems Conference 2017)
  • TAIC PART 2017  + (TAIC PART 2017 : 12th Workshop on Testing: Academia-Industry Collaboration, Practice and Research Techniques)
  • TAL - platforms 2008  + (TAL Journal special Issue on PLATFORMS FOR NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING)
  • TAMC 2017  + (TAMC 2017 : Theory and Applications of Models of Computation)
  • ANNPR 2010  + (TC3 Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence)
  • TCEA Ed Tech Symposium 2009  + (TCEA Educational Technology Research Symposium)
  • TECHNews  + (TECHNews)
  • TEI 2017  + (TEI 2017 : 11th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions)
  • TFML 2017  + (TFML 2017 : Conference on Theoretical Foundations of Machine Learning 2017)
  • TFPIE 2020  + (TFPIE 2020 : Trends in Functional Programming in Education)
  • BFSEM 2007  + (THIRD International Workshop on Biosensors for Food Safety and Environmental Monitoring)
  • TIB Hannover  + (TIB Hannover)
  • TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology  + (TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology)
  • TIST UI 2017  + (TIST UI 2017 : ACM TIST Special Issue on Urban Intelligence)
  • TMPA 2017  + (TMPA 2017 : 4th International Conference on Tools and Methods for Program Analysis)
  • TOTH 2018 : Terminology and E-dictionaries  + (TOTH 2018 : Terminology and E-dictionaries)
  • TRAP 2017  + (TRAP 2017 : First European Conference on Traffic Mining Applied to Police Activities)
  • TRECK 2017  + (TRECK 2017 : ACM SAC Trust Reputation TRECK Track 2017)
  • TSLC 2017 : The Social Learning Conference  + (TSLC 2017 : The Social Learning Conference)
  • TVFVoice 2017  + (TVFVoice 2017 : 46th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice)
  • Talend Open Data Solutions  + (Talend Open Data Solutions)
  • TEI 2008  + (Tangible and Embedded Interaction)
  • TEI  + (Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction)
  • TDCT 2007  + (Targeted Designs for Clinical Trials)
  • TC TESOL/AL Web Journal 2009  + (Teachers College, Columbia University Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics)
  • TaLC 2008  + (Teaching and Language Corpora 2008)
  • TechAAL 2016  + (TechAAL 2016 : 2nd IET International Conference on Technologies for Active and Assisted Living (TechAAL 2016))
  • Technical University of Denmark  + (Technical University of Denmark)
  • Technische Universität München  + (Technische Universität München)
  • Technologies for Security of EHR 2017 : Emerging Technologies for Security and Authentication of Electronic Health Record (EHR): Opportunities and Challenges  + (Technologies for Security of EHR 2017 : Emerging Technologies for Security and Authentication of Electronic Health Record (EHR): Opportunities and Challenges)
  • TOOLS  + (Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems)
  • EC 2009  + (Tenth ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce)
  • SCSU GEC 2009  + (Tenth Annual Southern Connecticut State University Graduate English Conference)
  • WISE 2009  + (Tenth International Conference Series on Web Information Systems Engineering)
  • ADAPTIVE 2018  + (Tenth International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications)
  • CGIM 2008  + (Tenth International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging)
  • Humanities Conference 2012  + (Tenth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities)
  • ISAIM 2008  + (Tenth International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathmatics)
  • Commonsense 2011  + (Tenth International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning)
  • SPSC 2008  + (Tenth International Workshop on Signal Processing for Space Communications)
  • AAAI 1992  + (Tenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence)
  • LDTA 2010  + (Tenth Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications)
  • HotMobile 2009  + (Tenth Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications)
  • TridentCom  + (Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities)
  • TMS 2009  + (Text Mining Services 2009)
  • TMW 2008  + (Text Mining Workshop)
  • TREC  + (Text Retrieval Conference)
  • TREC 2020  + (Text Retrieval Conference)
  • CYBERNETICSCOM 2012  + (The IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Cybernetics)
  • SPPRA 2013  + (The 10th IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications)
  • LAK 2020  + (The 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK20))
  • MDM 2009  + (The 10th International Conference on Mobile Data Mangement (MDM'09): Systems, Services and Middleware)
  • UbiComp 2008  + (The 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing)
  • I-SPAN 2009  + (The 10th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks)
  • WIAMIS 2009  + (The 10th International workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services)
  • PRIMA 2007  + (The 10th Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents)
  • BPMDS 2009  + (The 10th Workshop on Business Process Modeling, Development, and Support)
  • LDOW 2017  + (The 10th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web)
  • MMSEC 2009  + (The 11th ACM workshop on Multimedia and Security)
  • ECSCW 2009  + (The 11th European Conference on Computer Supported Co-operative Work)
  • HPCC 2009  + (The 11th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications)
  • ISC 2008  + (The 11th Information Security Conference)
  • SIGWriting 2008  + (The 11th International EARLI SIG Writing Conference)
  • LDOW 2018  + (The 11th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web)
  • ESEA 2007  + (The 12th English in South-East Asia Conference)
  • IBIMA 2009  + (The 12th IBIMA Conference: Creating Global Economies through Innovation and Knowledge Management)
  • RIVF 2016  + (The 12th IEEE-RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication)
  • NBiS 2009  + (The 12th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems)
  • SSSW 2016  + (The 12th Semantic Web Summer School)
  • WMSCI 2008  + (The 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics)
  • KDD 2008  + (The 14th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining)
  • MobiCom 2008  + (The 14th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking)
  • RTCSA 2008  + (The 14th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications)
  • DASFAA 2009  + (The 14th International Conference on Database Systems for)
  • MM 2007  + (The 15th ACM International Conference on Multimedia 2007)
  • MobiSys 2017  + (The 15th ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services)
  • KDD 2009  + (The 15th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining)
  • NAACL HLT 2016  + (The 15th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: : Human Language Technologies)
  • MobiCom 2009  + (The 15th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking)
  • IWSEC 2020  + (The 15th International Workshop on Security)
  • MobiSys 2018  + (The 16th ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services)
  • TAMC 2020  + (The 16th Annual Conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation)
  • ODBASE 2017  + (The 16th International Conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of Semantics)
  • SMWCon 2019  + (The 16th Semantic MediaWiki Conference:)
  • MobiSys 2019  + (The 17th ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services)
  • ESANN 2009  + (The 17th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks)
  • RO-MAN 2008  + (The 17th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication)
  • Geoinformatics 2009  + (The 17th International Conference on Geoinformatics)
  • ICMI 2015  + (The 17th International Congress of Mucosal Immunology)
  • CIKM 2009  + (The 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management)
  • MobiSys 2020  + (The 18th ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services)
  • EJC 2008  + (The 18th European Japanese Seminar on Information Modelling)
  • ICWE 2018  + (The 18th International Conference On Web Engineering)
  • AINA 2004  + (The 18th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2004))