TREC 2002

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TREC 2002
The Eleventh Text REtrieval Conference
Event in series TREC
Dates 2002/11/19 (iCal) - 2002/11/22
Location: Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA
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Facts about "TREC 2002"
AcronymTREC 2002 +
End dateNovember 22, 2002 +
Event in seriesTREC +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates39° 8' 36", -77° 12' 5"Latitude: 39.143441666667
Longitude: -77.201369444444
Has location cityGaithersburg +
Has location countryCategory:USA +
Has location stateMaryland +
IsAEvent +
Start dateNovember 19, 2002 +
TitleThe Eleventh Text REtrieval Conference +