IET SPR SI Wireless 2009

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IET SPR SI Wireless 2009
IET Signal Processing special issue on Advanced Signal Processing for Wireless and Mobile Communications
Dates N/A
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Location: N/A, N/A
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Important dates
Abstracts: Jan 31, 2008
Submissions: TBD
"TBD" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.
Table of Contents

The following coordinate was not recognized: Geocoding failed.
The following coordinate was not recognized: Geocoding failed.

Wireless and mobile communications have developed rapidly in recent years due to the endless demand for broadband multimedia Internet access and wireless connection any where and any time. Several 4G standards have been proposed such as IEEE 802.11n, WiMax and 3G-LTE. Signal processing plays a key role in the evolution of wireless and mobile communications. With the emergence of various 4G enabling technologies, advanced signal processing has become ever increasingly important for low complexity, low power and efficient physical implementations of future multimedia communication systems.  Multiantenna, multiuser and cooperative technologies have emerged as powerful enablers for high data rate and highly reliable broadband communications. To harvest the benefits of these technologies maximally, both excellent opportunities and significant challenges are present in the research of signal processing. The aim of this special issue is to publish some of the most recent advances in signal processing for wireless and mobile communications using MIMO, multiuser and cooperative technologies. The following topical areas will be covered in the special issue: 

�??	Spatial multiplexing and space-time coding  
�??	MIMO channel estimation, tracking and equalization
�??	MIMO signal detection and interference cancellation  
�??	Multi-user detection and interference cancellation  
�??	Sphere decoding for MIMO and multiuser detection 
�??	MIMO and multiuser detection using Genetic algorithms and neural networks   
�??	Cooperative and relay communication algorithms 
�??	Distributed space-time coding and signal processing 
�??	Adaptive signal processing for MIMO, multiuser and cooperative
�??	Receiver baseband design for MIMO, multiuser and cooperative
�??	FPGA prototyping and ASIC implementation of MIMO and multiuser algorithms

Overview, tutorial, research, and application papers all are solicited from both academia and industry. Solutions to real-world problems are particularly welcome.  


Prospective authors should follow the Guide to Authors of Papers for IET journals, which can be accessed at the IET Signal Processing journal website at Papers must be submitted on-line. Authors should indicate �??Special Issue on Advanced Signal Processing for Wireless and Mobile Communications�?? on their manuscripts. Enquiry can be made to the IET or the Guest Editor.

Guest Editor

Professor Yichuang Sun
School of Electronic, Communication
and Electrical Engineering
University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom


Submission Deadline:  31 January 2009
Notice of Acceptance: 31 May 2009
Publication:                  Q3 or Q4 2009

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP

Abstract deadlineJanuary 31, 2008 +
AcronymIET SPR SI Wireless 2009 +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates41° 37' 27", -74° 8' 31"Latitude: 41.624061111111
Longitude: -74.141863888889
Has location cityN/A +
Has location countryCategory:N/A +
IsAEvent +
TitleIET Signal Processing special issue on Advanced Signal Processing for Wireless and Mobile Communications +