ACM GIS 2009

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ACM GIS 2009
17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems
Ordinal 17
Event in series ACM GIS
Dates 2009/11/04 (iCal) - 2009/11/06
Location: Seattle, Washington, USA
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Papers: Submitted 185 / Accepted 38 (20.5 %)
General chairs: Ouri Wolfson
PC chairs: Mohamed F. Mokbel, Peter Scheuermann
Table of Contents

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The following coordinate was not recognized: Geocoding failed.

Facts about "ACM GIS 2009"
Acceptance rate20.5 +
Accepted papers38 +
AcronymACM GIS 2009 +
End dateNovember 6, 2009 +
Event in seriesACM GIS +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates47° 36' 14", -122° 19' 48"Latitude: 47.603833333333
Longitude: -122.33006111111
Has general chairOuri Wolfson +
Has location citySeattle +
Has location countryCategory:USA +
Has location stateWashington +
Has program chairMohamed F. Mokbel + and Peter Scheuermann +
IsAEvent +
Ordinal17 +
Start dateNovember 4, 2009 +
Submitted papers185 +
Title17th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems +