FCT 2009

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FCT 2009
17th Fundamentals of Computation Theory
Ordinal 17
Event in series FCT
Dates 2009/09/02 (iCal) - 2009/09/04
Homepage: http://fct2009.im.pwr.wroc.pl/
Location: Wroclaw, Poland
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Important dates
Submissions: 2009/04/09
Camera ready due: 2009/05/22
Papers: Submitted 67 / Accepted 29 (43.3 %)
Table of Contents

The 17th Fundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT) 2009


  • Algorithms: algorithm design and optimization; combinatorics and analysis of

algorithms; computational complexity; approximation, randomized, and heuristic methods; parallel and distributed computing; circuits and boolean functions; online algorithms; machine learning and artificial intelligence; computational geometry; computational algebra; ...

  • Formal methods: automata and formal languages; computability and nonstandard

computing models; algebraic and categorical methods; logics and model checking; principles of programming languages; program analysis and transformation; specification, refinement and verification; type systems; concurrency theory; database theory, semi-structured data and finite model theory; models of reactive, hybrid and stochastic systems; ...

  • Emerging fields: security and cryptography; ad hoc and mobile systems;

quantum computation; computational biology;high performance computing; algorithmic game theory; ...

Authors are invited to submit a draft of a full paper with at most 12 pages in the LNCS style. The paper should provide sufficient detail to allow the Program Committee to evaluate its validity, quality, and relevance. If necessary, detailed proofs can be attached as an appendix. Simultaneous submission to other conferences with published proceedings or journals is not allowed.


Important Dates