Sydney is located in Australia
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ICCAE 2023, ICVARS 2023, ICSEE 2023, ICEMAT 2023, MobiCom 2022, UBIC 2020, LCN 2020, IPSN 2020, RTAS 2020, TEI 2020, ICONIP 2019, PSIVT 2019, LAK 2018, ICSS 2017, TSLC 2017 : The Social Learning Conference, ICAITA 2017, UAI 2017, ICML 2017, PAM 2017, ICCAE 2017, NCS 2016, SPM 2016, WiMoNe 2016, WIMONE 2016, ICLLL-Languages 2016, PERCOM 2016, KDD 2015, MMM 2015, ICC 2014, WICSA 2014, COLD2013, ISWC 2013, ICCV 2013, WISE 2011, ICDM 2010, ICONN 2010, MBSDI 2009, HDA 2009, ACI 2008, ISPA 2008, WI 2008, CISWSN 2008, WIALAMAS 2008, IAT 2008, FLOW 2008, ICSOC 2008, ESBE 2008, IJCAR 2008, KR 2008, CP 2008... further results