Information for "ARP 2008"

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Display titleARP 2008
Default sort keyARP 2008
Page length (in bytes)574
Page ID6426
Page content languageen - English
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Page creator127.0.0.1 (talk)
Date of page creation22:41, 14 October 2008
Latest editor127.0.0.1 (talk)
Date of latest edit22:41, 14 October 2008
Total number of edits1
Total number of distinct authors1
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Facts about "ARP 2008"
Abstract deadlineNovember 15, 2007 +
AcronymARP 2008 +
End dateApril 18, 2008 +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates39° 17' 27", -76° 36' 39"Latitude: 39.290880555556
Longitude: -76.610758333333
Has location cityBaltimore +
Has location countryCategory:USA +
Has location stateMD +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
Start dateApril 16, 2008 +
Submission deadlineFebruary 1, 2008 +
TitleIASTED International Conf erence on Antennas, Radar and Wave Propagation +