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Very, very, very nice. The colors seem just right!!I love your work so I am going to add your blogs to the list of blogs I fololw. Feel free to head over to my blog and visit and comment on any and all of my work and fololw as well. I would love to make it to where we can make a circle of photography sites where we can go and visit and comment on each others work. I love receiving comments on any and all work I do. Anyhow nice work!!

Facts about "AAAI HBM 2009"
AcronymAAAI HBM 2009 +
End dateMarch 25, 2009 +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates37° 25' 36", -122° 10' 13"Latitude: 37.426541666667
Longitude: -122.17030555556
Has location cityStanford +
Has location countryCategory:USA +
Has location stateCalifornia +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
NotificationNovember 7, 2008 +
Start dateMarch 23, 2009 +
Submission deadlineOctober 3, 2008 +
TitleAAAI Spring 2009 Symposium on Human Behavior Modeling +