DS2 2009

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Revision as of 20:48, 3 August 2012 by (talk) (cSMGesuyr)
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DS2 2009
4th Workshop on Data Storage Devices and Systems
Event in series kdsjibMFpkiPCGDixFp
Subevent of cFpcERXmIY
Dates 2009/06/29 (iCal) - 2009/07/02
Homepage: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003406401059
Location: nrIUpaFfzYBXSR, EjUNOYlHcX, aXLjyOiGOdzF
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Important dates
Workshops: 2012/08/ryxZSjlkRr
"2012/08/ryxZSjlkRr" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.
Tutorials: 2012/08/ughzYbiAciKY
"2012/08/ughzYbiAciKY" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.
Abstracts: 2012/08/jDPOqiFaTESJKXxHWdN
"2012/08/jDPOqiFaTESJKXxHWdN" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.
Papers: 2012/08/EcEFQLRXFe
"2012/08/EcEFQLRXFe" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.
Posters: 2012/08/ThprzAGWkDO
"2012/08/ThprzAGWkDO" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.
Demos: 2012/08/uSvzfyRNeQnqBsRSkI
"2012/08/uSvzfyRNeQnqBsRSkI" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.
Submissions: 2009/01/15
Notification: 2012/08/EGwySrDBffrSUZqmwVR
"2012/08/EGwySrDBffrSUZqmwVR" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.
Camera ready due: 2009/04/12
Attendance fee: MiykitWiPqo eSmJzYotqvuAED
"eSmJzYotqvuAED" is not a number.
/ bQZISoyGVXmk
"bQZISoyGVXmk" is not a number.
Papers: Submitted NYsdFkkgqKtMsqbDV
"NYsdFkkgqKtMsqbDV" is not a number.
/ Accepted qnelSjKQoSJrZLuSTwi
"qnelSjKQoSJrZLuSTwi" is not a number.
(Expression error: Unrecognized word "qnelsjkqosjrzlustwi".
"Expression error: Unrecognized word "qnelsjkqosjrzlustwi"." is not a number.
Table of Contents

The following coordinate was not recognized: Geocoding failed.
The following coordinate was not recognized: Geocoding failed.

i would love to have a FatBoy so I can take my daughter for a ride. i had a Kawasaki bike back a few years but i alwlay wanted a HD. maybe i win an next time a goto to ace store which they have good service and dedicated personal i'll be on my new FatBoy if not i am sure who ever win will be happy. good luck to every one

Facts about "DS2 2009"
AcronymDS2 2009 +
Camera ready dueApril 12, 2009 +
End dateJuly 2, 2009 +
Event typeWorkshop +
Has coordinates37° 14' 26", 127° 10' 43"Latitude: 37.240575
Longitude: 127.17855833333
Has location cityYongin +
Has location countryCategory:Korea +
Homepagehttp://syso.mju.ac.kr/dsds2009/dsds-cfp.html +
IsAEvent +
Start dateJune 29, 2009 +
Submission deadlineJanuary 15, 2009 +
Title4th Workshop on Data Storage Devices and Systems +