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A list of all pages that have property "Title" with value "The Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 126 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • ICWMC 2009  + (The Fifth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications)
  • TREC 1996  + (The Fifth Text REtrieval Conference)
  • CSAW 2008  + (The First ACM Computer Security Architecture Workshop)
  • PerNEM 2010  + (The First Annual Workshop on Pervasive Networks for Emergency Management)
  • ACPEL 2013  + (The First Asian Conference on Politics, Economics and Law 2013)
  • IEEE BigDataService 2015  + (The First IEEE International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications)
  • ME 2009  + (The First IEEE International Workshop on Middleware Engineering)
  • DB 2009  + (The First International Conference on Advances in Databases)
  • AFIN 2009  + (The First International Conference on Advances in Future Internet)
  • COMSNETS 2009  + (The First International Conference on COMunication Systems and NETworks)
  • COMPLEX 2009  + (The First International Conference on Complex Sciences: Theory and Applications)
  • INTERNET 2009  + (The First International Conference on Evolving Internet)
  • ICGCTI 2013  + (The First International Conference on Green Computing, Technology and Innovation (ICGCTI2013))
  • KSE 2009  + (The First International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering)
  • LREC 1998  + (The First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation)
  • MobiSec 2009  + (The First International Conference on Security and Privacy in Mobile Information and Communication Systems)
  • ICADIWT 2008  + (The First International Conference on the Application of Digital Information and Web Technologies)
  • AASNET 2008  + (The First International Workshop on Applications of Ad hoc and Sensor Networks)
  • AUC 2009  + (The First International Workshop on Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing)
  • OSCOMM 2009  + (The First International Workshop on Building Sustainable Open Source Communities)
  • WCPS 2008  + (The First International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems)
  • DEPEND 2008  + (The First International Workshop on Dependability and Security in Complex and Critical Information Systems)
  • ICAS 2010  + (The First International Workshop on Intelligent Context-Aware Systems)
  • MSN-DS 2009  + (The First International Workshop on Mining Social Networks for Decision Support)
  • MoCoHe 2008  + (The First International Workshop on Mobile Collaborations for Hospital-based Health Care)
  • WNSA 2008  + (The First International Workshop on Network Security & Applications)
  • CCBS 09  + (The First International Workshop on the Critical Computer Based Systems)
  • NorConfClinLing 2008  + (The First Nordic Conference of Clinical Linguistics)
  • TREC 1992  + (The First Text REtrieval Conference)
  • BSML 2009  + (The First Workshop on Case Studies of Bayesian Statistics and Machine Learning)
  • IRA 2008  + (The First Workshop on Information Retrieval for Advertising)
  • ARES 2009  + (The Forth International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security)
  • SECURWARE 2020  + (The Fourteenth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies)
  • CTRQ 2021  + (The Fourteenth International Conference on Communication Theory, Reliability, and Quality of Service)
  • SPACOMM 2022  + (The Fourteenth International Conference on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications)
  • SENSORCOMM 2020  + (The Fourteenth International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications)
  • MMEDIA 2022  + (The Fourteenth International Conference on Advances in Multimedia)
  • TREC 2005  + (The Fourteenth Text REtrieval Conference)
  • WICON 2008  + (The Fourth Annual International Wireless Internet Conference)
  • CI 2009  + (The Fourth IASTED International Conference on Computational Intelligence)
  • IVACS 2008  + (The Fourth Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) group International Conference on Applying Corpus Linguistics)
  • ICER 2008  + (The Fourth International Computing Education Research Workshop)
  • ADMA 2008  + (The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications)
  • ICAS 2008  + (The Fourth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems)
  • ICIW 2009  + (The Fourth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services)
  • LREC 2004  + (The Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation)
  • ICNS 2008  + (The Fourth International Conference on Networking and Services)
  • PERSUASIVE 2009  + (The Fourth International Conference on Persuasive Technology)
  • ICONS 2009  + (The Fourth International Conference on Systems)
  • WSDM 2011  + (The Fourth International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining)
  • FDG 2009  + (The Fourth International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games)
  • UASS 2009  + (The Fourth International Symposium on Ubiquitous Applications and Security Services)
  • WSDF 11  + (The Fourth International Workshop on Digital Forensics)
  • WMCS 2008  + (The Fourth International Workshop on Mobile Commerce and Services)
  • OSA 2012  + (The Fourth International Workshop on Organizational Security Aspects)
  • VORTE 2008  + (The Fourth International Workshop on Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for the Enterprise)
  • TREC 1995  + (The Fourth Text REtrieval Conference)
  • The French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control  + (The French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control)
  • AR 2013  + (The Global Economic Crisis and Canada: Perception Versus Reality)
  • E-Society 2008  + (The IADIS E-Society)
  • E-COMMERCE 2007  + (The IADIS e-Commerce 2007 conference)
  • NANA 2008  + (The IASTED International Conference on Nanotechnology and Applications)
  • TE 2011  + (The IASTED International Conference on Technology for Education)
  • ISPHT 2011  + (The IASTED International Symposia on Imaging and Signal Processing in Healthcare and Technology)
  • AINA 2005  + (The IEEE 19th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications)
  • AINA 2006  + (The IEEE 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications)
  • AINA 2007  + (The IEEE 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-07))
  • AINA 2008  + (The IEEE 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications)
  • AINA 2009  + (The IEEE 23rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-09))
  • COMNETSAT 2012  + (The IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite)
  • ICWS 2008  + (The IEEE International Conference on Web Services)
  • CCN-CPS 2016  + (The IEEE International workshop on Communication, Computing, and Networking in Cyber Physical Systems)
  • Rolling Stock 2007  + (The IET Seminar on Rolling Stock - Implications for the Future)
  • ISJ  + (The Imaging Science Journal)
  • ECE 2013  + (The Inaugural European Conference on Education 2013)
  • ECLL 2013  + (The Inaugural European Conference on Language Learning 2013)
  • ECSEE 2013  + (The Inaugural European Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment 2013)
  • ECTC 2013  + (The Inaugural European Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2013)
  • ECAH 2013  + (The Inaugural European Conference on the Arts and Humanities 2013)
  • ECSS 2013  + (The Inaugural European Conference on the Social Sciences 2013)
  • ION ITM 2009  + (The Institute of Navigation International Technical Meeting)
  • AINA 2003  + (The International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications)
  • ANT 2010  + (The International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies)
  • BIOTECHNO 2008  + (The International Conference on Biocomputation, Bioinformatics, and Biomedical Technologies)
  • ICCSADC2017  + (The International Conference on Computational Sciences, Advanced Database and Computing)
  • ICCAD 2007  + (The International Conference on Computer-Aided Design 2007)
  • TPDL 2016  + (The International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries)
  • RAID  + (The International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (was International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection))
  • RAID 2020  + (The International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (was International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection))
  • WAMIS 2008  + (The International Symposium on Web and Mobile Information Services)
  • CPSC 2009  + (The International Workshop on Cyber Physical and Social Computing)
  • MAS 2009  + (The International Workshop on Modelling and Applied Simulation)
  • TRUSTMINE 2010  + (The International Workshop on Trust Models and Trust-Mining techniques for web activity logs)
  • The Knowledge Engineering Review  + (The Knowledge Engineering Review)
  • ISLE 2008  + (The Linguistics of English: Setting the Agenda)
  • NZDC 2007  + (The New Zealand Discourse Conference)
  • TREC 2010  + (The Nineteenth Text REtrieval Conference)
  • SNPD 2008  + (The Ninth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing)
  • VEHICULAR 2020  + (The Ninth International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications)
  • AMBIENT 2019  + (The Ninth International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies)
  • GLOBAL HEALTH 2020  + (The Ninth International Conference on Global Health Challenges)
  • INTELLI 2020  + (The Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications)
  • LREC 2014  + (The Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation)
  • SMART 2020  + (The Ninth International Conference on Smart Cities, Systems, Devices and Technologies)
  • WISE 2008  + (The Ninth International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering)
  • WSDM 2016  + (The Ninth International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining)
  • WAIM 2008  + (The Ninth International Conference on Web-Age Information Management)
  • SDM 2009  + (The Ninth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining)
  • TREC 2000  + (The Ninth Text REtrieval Conference)
  • DEW 2017  + (The Ontology Debugging and Evaluation Workshop)
  • OCL 2009  + (The Pragmatics of OCL and other textual specification languages)
  • RE 2009  + (The Requirements Engineering Track at ACM-SAC)
  • SAC RE 2009  + (The Requirements Engineering Track at The 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing)
  • SEMANTiCS 2018  + (The SEMANTiCS Conference)
  • SUCP 2008  + (The Scale-Up of Chemical Processes)
  • ACIS 2013  + (The Second Asian Conference on Information Systems)
  • SSIRI 2008  + (The Second IEE International Conference on Secure System Integration and Reliability Improvement)
  • IEEE BigDataService 2016  + (The Second IEEE International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications)
  • QUORS 2008  + (The Second IEEE International Workshop on Quality Oriented Reuse of Software)
  • IWSSE 2008  + (The Second IEEE International Workshop on Security in Software Engineering)
  • CDS 2008  + (The Second IEEE International Workshop on Cooperative Distributed Systems)
  • MESH 2009  + (The Second International Conference on Advances in Mesh Networks)
  • COMSNETS 2010  + (The Second International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks)
  • DEPEND 2009  + (The Second International Conference on Dependability)
  • LREC 2000  + (The Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation)
  • ICUIMC 2008  + (The Second International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication)
  • RR 2008  + (The Second International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems)
  • MALINDO 2008  + (The Second International MALINDO Workshop)
  • AASNET 2009  + (The Second International Workshop on Aplications of Ad hoc and Sensor Networks)
  • CompGeo 2009  + (The Second International Workshop on Computational GeoInformatics)
  • ADKDD 2008  + (The Second International Workshop on Data Mining and Audience Intelligence for Advertising)
  • EVIA 2008  + (The Second International Workshop on Evaluating Information Access)
  • IWIC 2009  + (The Second International Workshop on Intercultural Collaboration)
  • NGWMN 2009  + (The Second International Workshop on Next Generation of Wireless and Mobile Networks)
  • P2PSearch 2008  + (The Second International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Computing for Information Search)
  • RIGiM 2008  + (The Second International Workshop on Requirements, Intentions and Goals in Conceptual Modeling)
  • SSPS 2008  + (The Second International Workshop on Scalable Stream Processing Systems)
  • TrustCol 2008  + (The Second International Workshop on Trusted Collaboration)
  • SIWN 2009  + (The Second SIWN Congress)
  • TREC 1993  + (The Second Text REtrieval Conference)
  • SWDW 2008  + (The Semantic Web meets the Deep Web)
  • AICT 2021  + (The Seventeenth Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications)
  • "ICNS 2021"  + (The Seventeenth International Conference on Networking and Services)
  • ICNS  + (The Seventeenth International Conference on Networking and Services)
  • ICONS 2022,  + (The Seventeenth International Conference on Systems)
  • "ICAS 2021"  + (The Seventeenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems)
  • ICAS  + (The Seventeenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems)
  • ICWMC 2021  + (The Seventeenth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications)
  • TREC 2008  + (The Seventeenth Text REtrieval Conference)
  • WMED 2009  + (The Seventh Annual IEEE Workshop on Microelectronics and Electron Devices)
  • APBC 2009  + (The Seventh Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference)
  • MATES 2009  + (The Seventh German Conference on Multi-Agent System Technologies)
  • SPPRA 2010  + (The Seventh IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications)
  • ICN 2008  + (The Seventh International Conference on Networking)
  • WSDM 2014  + (The Seventh International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining)
  • SPWID 2021  + (The Seventh International Conference on Smart Portable, Wearable, Implantable and Disability-oriented Devices and Systems)
  • SOFTENG 2021  + (The Seventh International Conference on Advances and Trends in Software Engineering)
  • FARES 2012  + (The Seventh International Workshop on Frontiers in Availability, Reliability and Security)
  • WEB 2008  + (The Seventh International Workshop on e-Business)
  • TREC 1998  + (The Seventh Text REtrieval Conference)
  • ICWMC 2020  + (The Sixteenth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications)
  • ICAS 2020  + (The Sixteenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems)
  • ICIW 2021  + (The Sixteenth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services)
  • ICIMP 2021  + (The Sixteenth International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection)
  • ICDT 2021  + (The Sixteenth International Conference on Digital Telecommunications)
  • ICONS 2021  + (The Sixteenth International Conference on Systems)
  • TREC 2007  + (The Sixteenth Text REtrieval Conference)
  • ISWCS 2009  + (The Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems 2009)
  • ALLSENSORS 2021  + (The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Sensors, Actuators, Metering and Sensing)
  • ARES 2011  + (The Sixth International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (AReS 2011))
  • FASSI 2020  + (The Sixth International Conference on Fundamentals and Advances in Software Systems Integration)
  • HUSO 2020  + (The Sixth International Conference on Human and Social Analytics)
  • Pervasive 2008  + (The Sixth International Conference on Pervasive Computing)
  • SPWID 2020  + (The Sixth International Conference on Smart Portable, Wearable, Implantable and Disability-oriented Devices and Systems)
  • WSDM 2013  + (The Sixth International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining)
  • ISNN 2009  + (The Sixth International Symposium on Neural Networks)
  • WOSIS 2008  + (The Sixth International Workshop on Security In Information Systems)
  • SIGHAN 2008  + (The Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing)
  • TREC 1997  + (The Sixth Text REtrieval Conference)
  • ACM SNTA 2023  + (The Sixth Workshop on Systems and Network Telemetry and Analytics)
  • ACE 2008  + (The Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference)
  • VEHICULAR 2021  + (The Tenth International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications)
  • IMMM 2020  + (The Tenth International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management)
  • COLLA 2020  + (The Tenth International Conference on Advanced Collaborative Networks, Systems and Applications)
  • AMBIENT 2020  + (The Tenth International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies)
  • FUN 2020  + (The Tenth International Conference on Fun with Algorithms)
  • INTELLI 2021  + (The Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications)
  • LREC 2016  + (The Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation)
  • MOBILITY 2020  + (The Tenth International Conference on Mobile Services, Resources, and Users)
  • SMART 2021  + (The Tenth International Conference on Smart Cities, Systems, Devices and Technologies)
  • WSDM 2017  + (The Tenth International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining)
  • SNLP 2013  + (The Tenth International Symposium on Natural Language Processing)
  • AOSE09  + (The Tenth International Workshop on AGENT-ORIENTED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING)
  • TREC 2001  + (The Tenth Text REtrieval Conference)
  • DIAGRAMS  + (The Theory and Application of Diagrams)
  • ACTC 2013  + (The Third Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2013)
  • Translation Traditions 2008  + (The Third Asian Translation Traditions Conference)
  • AOW 2007  + (The Third Australasian Ontology Workshop)
  • IASTED-HCI 2008  + (The Third IASTED international conference on Human-Computer Interaction)
  • MTEL 2008  + (The Third IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Technologies for E-Learning)
  • ICCE 2010  + (The Third International Conference on Communications and Electronics)
  • SECURWARE 2009  + (The Third International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies)
  • ICICTES 2012  + (The Third International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Embedded Systems)
  • LREC 2002  + (The Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation)
  • ICONS 2008  + (The Third International Conference on Systems)
  • WSDM 2010  + (The Third International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining)
  • INFOSCALE 2008  + (The Third International ICST Conference on Scalable Information Systems)
  • OM 2008  + (The Third International Workshop on Ontology Matching)
  • SNTA 2020  + (The Third International Workshop on Systems and Network Telemetry and Analytics (SNTA2020))
  • TREC 1994  + (The Third Text REtrieval Conference)
  • TeachCL-08  + (The Third Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics)
  • MobiHoc 2007  + (The Thirteenth Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking and The 8th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing)
  • SPACOMM 2021  + (The Thirteenth International Conference on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications)
  • ACHI 2020  + (The Thirteenth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions)
  • CENTRIC 2020  + (The Thirteenth International Conference on Advances in Human-oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies, and Services)
  • DBKDA 2021  + (The Thirteenth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications)
  • " DBKDA 2021"  + (The Thirteenth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications)
  • DBKDA  + (The Thirteenth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications)
  • INTERNET 2021  + (The Thirteenth International Conference on Evolving Internet)
  • TREC 2004  + (The Thirteenth Text REtrieval Conference)
  • SCN 2020  + (The Twelfth Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks)
  • ETELEMED 2020  + (The Twelfth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine)
  • PESARO 2022  + (The Twelfth International Conference on Performance, Safety and Robustness in Complex Systems and Applications)
  • ACHI 2019  + (The Twelfth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions)
  • SIMUL 2020  + (The Twelfth International Conference on Advances in System Simulation)
  • INTERNET 2020  + (The Twelfth International Conference on Evolving Internet)
  • GEOProcessing 2020  + (The Twelfth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services)
  • DBKDA 2020  + (The Twelfth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications)
  • TREC 2003  + (The Twelfth Text REtrieval Conference)
  • ICN 2021  + (The Twentieth International Conference on Networks)
  • TREC 2011  + (The Twentieth Text REtrieval Conference)
  • TREC 2016  + (The Twenty-Fifth Text REtrieval Conference)
  • ICN 2022  + (The Twenty-First International Conference on Networks)
  • TREC 2012  + (The Twenty-First Text REtrieval Conference)
  • TREC 2015  + (The Twenty-Fourth Text REtrieval Conference)
  • TREC 2013  + (The Twenty-Second Text REtrieval Conference)
  • TREC 2014  + (The Twenty-Third Text REtrieval Conference)
  • USRMMO 2008  + (The Use of Symbols to Represent Music and Multimedia Objects)
  • The Veil, Psychoanalysis, and Politics 2009  + (The Veil, Psychoanalysis, and Politics)
  • WWW 2019  + (The Web Conference)
  • WWW  + (The Web Conference)
  • WWW 2020  + (The Web Conference 2020)
  • WCRE 2007  + (The Working Conference on Reverse Engineering 2007)
  • AIG 2008  + (The Workshop on AI in Games)
  • ICADL 2008  + (The annual International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL))
  • OSDM 2009  + (The first Open Source in Data Mining workshop)
  • S-CUBE 2009  + (The first international conference on Sensor, System and Software)
  • EVOSTAR 2009  + (The main European events on Evolutionary Computation)
  • ORGSEM  + (The organizational semiotics Conference)