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About OpenResearch

How can young researchers find the relevant conferences in their field? How can researchers inform themselves about the latest research fields in interdisciplinary contexts? Conferences are an established way of academic exchange and offer the opportunity to learn about the latest developments along the entire life cycle of research – from initial ideas to already published results.

TIB – German National Library of Science and Technology and the department Information Systems & Databases at RWTH Aachen University (Chair of Computer Science 5) work together in the ConfIDent project on the development of a service platform for scientific events. Instead of building a new platform from the ground up, we are building on the previous collaborative efforts of many people that created and worked on Openresearch. In the past Openresearch focused not only on scientific events but on a variety of other entities like papers, people, tools, etc. For a detailed discussion what OpenResearch intended to be. For more information about the vision and technical architecture of OpenResearch see OpenResearch: Collaborative Management of Scholarly Communication Metadata in EKAW 2016.

Now we mainly focus on scientific events and event series. For this task the ConfIDent project was created and receives funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG). It aims to make the descriptive metadata on conferences and other formats of scientific events permanently accessible in a high quality through automated processes and scientific data curating. ConfIDent as a sustainable service addresses researchers who search for and publish information on scientific events, as well as universities, information infrastructure institutions, specialised societies, publishers and funding agencies.

What is Openresearch

The concept of Open Access gained recently quite some attention as a means to make science more accessible, flexible and efficient. But gaining access to scientific results is just one aspect for making research more efficient. Scientists also need to know who is working on what, which tools are available, what conferences are worth visiting and presenting, where to get funding ... A large part of their time researchers are busy trying to get these kinds of information for their work. Openresearch provides a platform for researchers to collect, organize, share and disseminate this kind of information in a structured way.

You can think of Openresearch being yellow pages, event calendar, news wire, project directory of science all together. Everybody can easily participate and all information is freely available (also for download and republication).

What Openresearch is not?

How to get involved?

How is a Semantic Wiki different?

Semantic Wikis allow to structure information as would be possible with a database. Other than databases, however , Semantic Wikis are more flexible and easier to use. Openresearch is based on the Semantic MediaWiki. Some of the templates and properties used here are adapted from, which was created by Markus Krötsch and other members of the Semantic Web community.

Who is behind Openresearch? was created by members of the AKSW and Enterprise Information Systems departments.
