Revision history of "IEEE Cluster 2002"

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Facts about "IEEE Cluster 2002"
Acceptance rate38.8 +
Accepted papers45 +
AcronymIEEE Cluster 2002 +
End dateSeptember 26, 2002 +
Event in seriesIEEE Cluster +
Event typeConference +
Has coordinates41° 52' 32", -87° 37' 28"Latitude: 41.875561111111
Longitude: -87.624422222222
Has general chairDan Reed + and Mark Baker +
Has location cityChicago +
Has location countryCategory:USA +
Homepage +
IsAEvent +
Ordinal4 +
Start dateSeptember 23, 2002 +
Submitted papers116 +
TitleIEEE Cluster Computing 2002 +