File:Graph test digraph QueryResult Liy1 dot.png

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poly 145 16 143 12 137 8 128 5 117 4 104 3 91 4 80 5 71 8 65 12 63 16 65 20 71 24 80 27 91 29 104 29 117 29 128 27 137 24 143 20 [[3IA 2009]]
poly 205 122 200 110 186 99 163 90 135 85 104 83 73 85 44 90 22 99 8 110 3 122 8 135 22 146 44 154 73 160 104 162 135 160 163 154 186 146 200 135 [[The 12th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence]]
poly 368 16 365 12 358 8 347 5 332 4 316 3 300 4 286 5 274 8 267 12 264 16 267 20 274 24 286 27 300 29 316 29 332 29 347 27 358 24 365 20 [[3PGIC 2010]]
poly 414 122 409 110 395 99 374 90 346 85 316 83 286 85 259 90 237 99 223 110 218 122 223 135 237 146 259 154 286 160 316 162 346 160 374 154 395 146 409 135 [[International Workshop on P2P  Parallel  Grid and Internet Computing (3PGIC-2010)]]
poly 575 16 573 12 565 8 554 5 540 4 525 3 509 4 495 5 484 8 477 12 475 16 477 20 484 24 495 27 509 29 525 29 540 29 554 27 565 24 573 20 [[7JRSL 2007]]
poly 622 122 617 116 604 109 582 105 555 102 525 100 495 102 467 105 446 109 432 116 427 122 432 129 446 135 467 140 495 143 525 144 555 143 582 140 604 135 617 129 [[7as Jornadas Regionales de Software Libre]]
poly 783 16 781 12 774 8 764 5 751 4 736 3 722 4 709 5 698 8 691 12 689 16 691 20 698 24 709 27 722 29 736 29 751 29 764 27 774 24 781 20 [[AAAI 2010]]
poly 837 122 832 113 818 104 796 97 768 93 736 92 705 93 677 97 655 104 640 113 635 122 640 132 655 140 677 147 705 152 736 153 768 152 796 147 818 140 832 132 [[The Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence]]
poly 1008 16 1005 12 995 8 981 5 962 4 942 3 922 4 903 5 888 8 879 12 876 16 879 20 888 24 903 27 922 29 942 29 962 29 981 27 995 24 1005 20 [[AAAI HBM 2009]]
poly 1034 122 1029 113 1016 104 996 97 970 93 942 92 914 93 888 97 868 104 855 113 850 122 855 132 868 140 888 147 914 152 942 153 970 152 996 147 1016 140 1029 132 [[AAAI  Spring 2009 Symposium on Human Behavior Modeling]]
poly 1205 16 1203 12 1194 8 1182 5 1165 4 1148 3 1130 4 1114 5 1101 8 1093 12 1090 16 1093 20 1101 24 1114 27 1130 29 1148 29 1165 29 1182 27 1194 24 1203 20 [[AACIMP 2011]]
poly 1249 122 1244 102 1229 83 1207 69 1179 59 1148 56 1116 59 1088 69 1066 83 1051 102 1046 122 1051 143 1066 161 1088 176 1116 185 1148 189 1179 185 1207 176 1229 161 1244 143 [[6th Summer School   “Achievements and Applications of Contemporary Informatics  Mathematics and Physics ”   (AACIMP – 2011)]]
poly 1410 16 1408 12 1401 8 1390 5 1376 4 1361 3 1346 4 1333 5 1322 8 1315 12 1313 16 1315 20 1322 24 1333 27 1346 29 1361 29 1376 29 1390 27 1401 24 1408 20 [[AACL 2008]]
poly 1461 122 1456 116 1442 109 1420 105 1392 102 1361 100 1331 102 1303 105 1281 109 1267 116 1262 122 1267 129 1281 135 1303 140 1331 143 1361 144 1392 143 1420 140 1442 135 1456 129 [[American Association for Corpus Linguistics]]
poly 1616 16 1614 12 1608 8 1597 5 1585 4 1571 3 1557 4 1544 5 1534 8 1527 12 1525 16 1527 20 1534 24 1544 27 1557 29 1571 29 1585 29 1597 27 1608 24 1614 20 [[AAG 2010]]
poly 1667 122 1662 113 1649 104 1627 97 1600 93 1571 92 1541 93 1514 97 1493 104 1479 113 1474 122 1479 132 1493 140 1514 147 1541 152 1571 153 1600 152 1627 147 1649 140 1662 132 [[Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers]]
poly 1810 16 1808 12 1802 8 1792 5 1780 4 1766 3 1752 4 1740 5 1730 8 1724 12 1722 16 1724 20 1730 24 1740 27 1752 29 1766 29 1780 29 1792 27 1802 24 1808 20 [[AAL 2008]]
poly 1852 122 1848 116 1836 109 1817 105 1793 102 1766 100 1739 102 1715 105 1696 109 1684 116 1680 122 1684 129 1696 135 1715 140 1739 143 1766 144 1793 143 1817 140 1836 135 1848 129 [[Acquisition of African Languages 2008]]
poly 2021 16 2018 12 2010 8 1998 5 1983 4 1966 3 1949 4 1933 5 1921 8 1913 12 1910 16 1913 20 1921 24 1933 27 1949 29 1966 29 1983 29 1998 27 2010 24 2018 20 [[AAMAS 2008]]
poly 2067 122 2062 113 2047 104 2025 97 1997 93 1966 92 1934 93 1906 97 1884 104 1870 113 1865 122 1870 132 1884 140 1906 147 1934 152 1966 153 1997 152 2025 147 2047 140 2062 132 [[Intl Conf on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems]]
poly 2239 16 2236 12 2229 8 2216 5 2201 4 2184 3 2167 4 2151 5 2139 8 2131 12 2129 16 2131 20 2139 24 2151 27 2167 29 2184 29 2201 29 2216 27 2229 24 2236 20 [[AAMAS 2009]]
poly 2288 122 2283 116 2268 109 2245 105 2216 102 2184 100 2152 102 2123 105 2100 109 2085 116 2080 122 2085 129 2100 135 2123 140 2152 143 2184 144 2216 143 2245 140 2268 135 2283 129 [[Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 2009]]
poly 2442 16 2440 12 2434 8 2424 5 2412 4 2398 3 2385 4 2372 5 2363 8 2356 12 2354 16 2356 20 2363 24 2372 27 2385 29 2398 29 2412 29 2424 27 2434 24 2440 20 [[AAP 2007]]
poly 2496 122 2491 113 2477 104 2456 97 2428 93 2398 92 2368 93 2341 97 2319 104 2306 113 2301 122 2306 132 2319 140 2341 147 2368 152 2398 153 2428 152 2456 147 2477 140 2491 132 [[The Many Faces of Fear: Attachment  Trauma & Neuroscience]]
poly 2664 16 2662 12 2654 8 2643 5 2630 4 2614 3 2599 4 2585 5 2574 8 2567 12 2565 16 2567 20 2574 24 2585 27 2599 29 2614 29 2630 29 2643 27 2654 24 2662 20 [[AASN 2008]]
poly 2720 122 2715 110 2700 99 2676 90 2647 85 2614 83 2582 85 2552 90 2529 99 2514 110 2508 122 2514 135 2529 146 2552 154 2582 160 2614 162 2647 160 2676 154 2700 146 2715 135 [[First International Workshop on Autonomous and Automated Sensor Networks]]
poly 2883 16 2880 12 2872 8 2859 5 2843 4 2824 3 2806 4 2790 5 2777 8 2768 12 2765 16 2768 20 2777 24 2790 27 2806 29 2824 29 2843 29 2859 27 2872 24 2880 20 [[AASNET 2008]]
poly 2916 122 2912 110 2899 99 2878 90 2853 85 2824 83 2796 85 2770 90 2750 99 2737 110 2733 122 2737 135 2750 146 2770 154 2796 160 2824 162 2853 160 2878 154 2899 146 2912 135 [[The First International Workshop on  Applications of Ad hoc and Sensor Networks]]
poly 3090 16 3087 12 3078 8 3065 5 3049 4 3031 3 3013 4 2996 5 2983 8 2975 12 2972 16 2975 20 2983 24 2996 27 3013 29 3031 29 3049 29 3065 27 3078 24 3087 20 [[AASNET 2009]]
poly 3133 122 3128 110 3113 99 3091 90 3062 85 3031 83 2999 85 2971 90 2948 99 2934 110 2929 122 2934 135 2948 146 2971 154 2999 160 3031 162 3062 160 3091 154 3113 146 3128 135 [[The Second International Workshop on Aplications of Ad hoc and Sensor Networks]]
poly 3300 16 3297 12 3289 8 3277 5 3261 4 3244 3 3226 4 3211 5 3198 8 3190 12 3187 16 3190 20 3198 24 3211 27 3226 29 3244 29 3261 29 3277 27 3289 24 3297 20 [[AAWSE 2008]]
poly 3342 122 3337 110 3323 99 3301 90 3274 85 3244 83 3213 85 3186 90 3164 99 3151 110 3146 122 3151 135 3164 146 3186 154 3213 160 3244 162 3274 160 3301 154 3323 146 3337 135 [[IEEE International Workshop on Agents for Autonomic Web-Service Environments]]
poly 3492 16 3491 12 3485 8 3476 5 3465 4 3453 3 3441 4 3430 5 3421 8 3416 12 3414 16 3416 20 3421 24 3430 27 3441 29 3453 29 3465 29 3476 27 3485 24 3491 20 [[AB 2008]]
poly 3551 122 3546 113 3532 104 3511 97 3483 93 3453 92 3423 93 3395 97 3374 104 3360 113 3355 122 3360 132 3374 140 3395 147 3423 152 3453 153 3483 152 3511 147 3532 140 3546 132 [[Third International Conference on Algebraic Biology]]
poly 3703 16 3701 12 3693 8 3682 5 3668 4 3653 3 3637 4 3623 5 3612 8 3605 12 3603 16 3605 20 3612 24 3623 27 3637 29 3653 29 3668 29 3682 27 3693 24 3701 20 [[ABBM 2007]]
poly 3741 122 3737 116 3724 109 3705 105 3680 102 3653 100 3625 102 3601 105 3581 109 3569 116 3564 122 3569 129 3581 135 3601 140 3625 143 3653 144 3680 143 3705 140 3724 135 3737 129 [[Asia Biotech Business Mission 2007]]
poly 3906 16 3903 12 3896 8 3885 5 3871 4 3855 3 3840 4 3826 5 3815 8 3808 12 3805 16 3808 20 3815 24 3826 27 3840 29 3855 29 3871 29 3885 27 3896 24 3903 20 [[ABMC 2012]]
poly 3957 122 3952 113 3937 104 3915 97 3887 93 3855 92 3824 93 3796 97 3774 104 3759 113 3754 122 3759 132 3774 140 3796 147 3824 152 3855 153 3887 152 3915 147 3937 140 3952 132 [[The Asian Business and Management Conference 2012]]
poly 4121 16 4118 12 4111 8 4100 5 4086 4 4071 3 4055 4 4041 5 4030 8 4023 12 4021 16 4023 20 4030 24 4041 27 4055 29 4071 29 4086 29 4100 27 4111 24 4118 20 [[ABMC 2013]]
poly 4172 122 4167 113 4152 104 4130 97 4102 93 4071 92 4039 93 4011 97 3989 104 3975 113 3970 122 3975 132 3989 140 4011 147 4039 152 4071 153 4102 152 4130 147 4152 140 4167 132 [[The Asian Business & Management Conference 2013]]
poly 4314 16 4312 12 4306 8 4297 5 4286 4 4274 3 4262 4 4251 5 4242 8 4237 12 4235 16 4237 20 4242 24 4251 27 4262 29 4274 29 4286 29 4297 27 4306 24 4312 20 [[AC 2007]]
poly 4364 122 4359 116 4347 109 4327 105 4302 102 4274 100 4246 102 4221 105 4202 109 4189 116 4184 122 4189 129 4202 135 4221 140 4246 143 4274 144 4302 143 4327 140 4347 135 4359 129 [[Sixteenth Amsterdam Colloquium]]
poly 4496 16 4494 12 4489 8 4480 5 4469 4 4457 3 4445 4 4434 5 4425 8 4419 12 4417 16 4419 20 4425 24 4434 27 4445 29 4457 29 4469 29 4480 27 4489 24 4494 20 [[AC 2008]]
poly 4538 122 4534 113 4522 104 4504 97 4482 93 4457 92 4432 93 4409 97 4392 104 4380 113 4376 122 4380 132 4392 140 4409 147 4432 152 4457 153 4482 152 4504 147 4522 140 4534 132 [[IADIS International Conference Applied Computing 2008]]
poly 4685 16 4683 12 4677 8 4669 5 4658 4 4646 3 4633 4 4622 5 4614 8 4608 12 4606 16 4608 20 4614 24 4622 27 4633 29 4646 29 4658 29 4669 27 4677 24 4683 20 [[AC 2009]]
poly 4741 122 4736 113 4723 104 4702 97 4675 93 4646 92 4616 93 4590 97 4568 104 4555 113 4550 122 4555 132 4568 140 4590 147 4616 152 4646 153 4675 152 4702 147 4723 140 4736 132 [[IADIS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE APPLIED COMPUTING 2009]]
poly 4905 16 4902 12 4895 8 4884 5 4870 4 4855 3 4840 4 4826 5 4815 8 4808 12 4805 16 4808 20 4815 24 4826 27 4840 29 4855 29 4870 29 4884 27 4895 24 4902 20 [[ACAH 2012]]
poly 4956 122 4951 116 4937 109 4914 105 4886 102 4855 100 4824 102 4795 105 4773 109 4759 116 4754 122 4759 129 4773 135 4795 140 4824 143 4855 144 4886 143 4914 140 4937 135 4951 129 [[The Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities]]
poly 5120 16 5117 12 5110 8 5099 5 5085 4 5070 3 5055 4 5041 5 5030 8 5023 12 5020 16 5023 20 5030 24 5041 27 5055 29 5070 29 5085 29 5099 27 5110 24 5117 20 [[ACAH 2013]]
poly 5171 122 5166 116 5152 109 5130 105 5101 102 5070 100 5039 102 5011 105 4988 109 4974 116 4969 122 4974 129 4988 135 5011 140 5039 143 5070 144 5101 143 5130 140 5152 135 5166 129 [[The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities 2013]]
poly 5340 16 5338 12 5330 8 5318 5 5303 4 5286 3 5269 4 5254 5 5242 8 5234 12 5232 16 5234 20 5242 24 5254 27 5269 29 5286 29 5303 29 5318 27 5330 24 5338 20 [[ACAH 20132]]
poly 5388 122 5383 116 5369 109 5346 105 5318 102 5286 100 5255 102 5226 105 5203 109 5189 116 5184 122 5189 129 5203 135 5226 140 5255 143 5286 144 5318 143 5346 140 5369 135 5383 129 [[Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities 2013]]
poly 5450 16 5448 12 5441 8 5430 5 5417 4 5402 3 5387 4 5373 5 5362 8 5356 12 5353 16 5356 20 5362 24 5373 27 5387 29 5402 29 5417 29 5430 27 5441 24 5448 20 [[ACAS 2011]]
poly 5608 122 5603 116 5589 109 5567 105 5538 102 5507 100 5476 102 5448 105 5425 109 5411 116 5406 122 5411 129 5425 135 5448 140 5476 143 5507 144 5538 143 5567 140 5589 135 5603 129 [[The Asian Conference on Asian Studies]]
poly 5561 16 5559 12 5552 8 5541 5 5527 4 5512 3 5497 4 5484 5 5473 8 5466 12 5464 16 5466 20 5473 24 5484 27 5497 29 5512 29 5527 29 5541 27 5552 24 5559 20 [[ACAS 2012]]
poly 5663 16 5660 12 5654 8 5644 5 5632 4 5618 3 5605 4 5593 5 5583 8 5577 12 5574 16 5577 20 5583 24 5593 27 5605 29 5618 29 5632 29 5644 27 5654 24 5660 20 [[ACC 2008]]
poly 5794 122 5790 116 5780 109 5763 105 5743 102 5720 100 5697 102 5677 105 5661 109 5650 116 5647 122 5650 129 5661 135 5677 140 5697 143 5720 144 5743 143 5763 140 5780 135 5790 129 [[American Control Conference]]
poly 5764 16 5762 12 5756 8 5746 5 5734 4 5720 3 5707 4 5694 5 5685 8 5678 12 5676 16 5678 20 5685 24 5694 27 5707 29 5720 29 5734 29 5746 27 5756 24 5762 20 [[ACC 2009]]
poly 5866 16 5864 12 5858 8 5848 5 5836 4 5822 3 5808 4 5796 5 5786 8 5780 12 5778 16 5780 20 5786 24 5796 27 5808 29 5822 29 5836 29 5848 27 5858 24 5864 20 [[ACC 2010]]
poly 5972 16 5970 12 5964 8 5953 5 5940 4 5926 3 5911 4 5898 5 5888 8 5882 12 5879 16 5882 20 5888 24 5898 27 5911 29 5926 29 5940 29 5953 27 5964 24 5970 20 [[ACCJ 2008]]
poly 6023 122 6018 116 6004 109 5983 105 5956 102 5926 100 5896 102 5869 105 5847 109 5834 116 5829 122 5834 129 5847 135 5869 140 5896 143 5926 144 5956 143 5983 140 6004 135 6018 129 [[Advance computing and communication journal]]
poly 6198 16 6195 12 6186 8 6172 5 6155 4 6137 3 6118 4 6101 5 6087 8 6079 12 6076 16 6079 20 6087 24 6101 27 6118 29 6137 29 6155 29 6172 27 6186 24 6195 20 [[ACCOMS 2012]]
poly 6238 122 6233 116 6218 109 6196 105 6168 102 6137 100 6105 102 6077 105 6055 109 6040 116 6036 122 6040 129 6055 135 6077 140 6105 143 6137 144 6168 143 6196 140 6218 135 6233 129 [[The Asian Conference on Computer Science 2012]]
poly 6401 16 6398 12 6391 8 6380 5 6367 4 6352 3 6337 4 6323 5 6312 8 6306 12 6303 16 6306 20 6312 24 6323 27 6337 29 6352 29 6367 29 6380 27 6391 24 6398 20 [[ACCS 2011]]
poly 6453 122 6448 116 6434 109 6411 105 6383 102 6352 100 6321 102 6292 105 6270 109 6256 116 6251 122 6256 129 6270 135 6292 140 6321 143 6352 144 6383 143 6411 140 6434 135 6448 129 [[The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies]]
poly 6616 16 6613 12 6606 8 6596 5 6582 4 6567 3 6552 4 6538 5 6528 8 6521 12 6518 16 6521 20 6528 24 6538 27 6552 29 6567 29 6582 29 6596 27 6606 24 6613 20 [[ACCS 2012]]
poly 6668 122 6663 116 6649 109 6626 105 6598 102 6567 100 6536 102 6508 105 6485 109 6471 116 6466 122 6471 129 6485 135 6508 140 6536 143 6567 144 6598 143 6626 140 6649 135 6663 129 [[The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 2012]]
poly 6769 16 6767 12 6760 8 6751 5 6738 4 6725 3 6711 4 6699 5 6689 8 6683 12 6681 16 6683 20 6689 24 6699 27 6711 29 6725 29 6738 29 6751 27 6760 24 6767 20 [[ACE 2008]]
poly 6870 122 6865 113 6852 104 6831 97 6805 93 6776 92 6746 93 6720 97 6699 104 6686 113 6681 122 6686 132 6699 140 6720 147 6746 152 6776 153 6805 152 6831 147 6852 140 6865 132 [[The Tenth Australasian Computing Education Conference]]
poly 6871 16 6868 12 6862 8 6852 5 6840 4 6827 3 6813 4 6801 5 6791 8 6785 12 6782 16 6785 20 6791 24 6801 27 6813 29 6827 29 6840 29 6852 27 6862 24 6868 20 [[ACE 2009]]
poly 7028 16 7026 12 7020 8 7010 5 6998 4 6984 3 6971 4 6958 5 6949 8 6942 12 6940 16 6942 20 6949 24 6958 27 6971 29 6984 29 6998 29 7010 27 7020 24 7026 20 [[ACE 2012]]
poly 7085 122 7080 116 7066 109 7044 105 7015 102 6984 100 6953 102 6925 105 6902 109 6888 116 6883 122 6888 129 6902 135 6925 140 6953 143 6984 144 7015 143 7044 140 7066 135 7080 129 [[The Asian Conference on Education 2012]]
poly 7248 16 7246 12 7239 8 7228 5 7214 4 7199 3 7184 4 7171 5 7160 8 7153 12 7151 16 7153 20 7160 24 7171 27 7184 29 7199 29 7214 29 7228 27 7239 24 7246 20 [[ACE 20132]]
poly 7301 122 7296 116 7281 109 7259 105 7231 102 7199 100 7168 102 7140 105 7118 109 7103 116 7098 122 7103 129 7118 135 7140 140 7168 143 7199 144 7231 143 7259 140 7281 135 7296 129 [[The Asian Conference on Education 2013]]
poly 7468 16 7465 12 7458 8 7446 5 7431 4 7415 3 7398 4 7383 5 7372 8 7364 12 7361 16 7364 20 7372 24 7383 27 7398 29 7415 29 7431 29 7446 27 7458 24 7465 20 [[ACERP 2011]]
poly 7516 122 7511 113 7496 104 7474 97 7446 93 7415 92 7383 93 7355 97 7333 104 7319 113 7314 122 7319 132 7333 140 7355 147 7383 152 7415 153 7446 152 7474 147 7496 140 7511 132 [[The Asian Conference on Ethics  Religion and Philosophy]]
poly 7683 16 7681 12 7673 8 7661 5 7646 4 7630 3 7613 4 7599 5 7587 8 7579 12 7577 16 7579 20 7587 24 7599 27 7613 29 7630 29 7646 29 7661 27 7673 24 7681 20 [[ACERP 2012]]
poly 7731 122 7726 113 7712 104 7689 97 7661 93 7630 92 7599 93 7570 97 7548 104 7534 113 7529 122 7534 132 7548 140 7570 147 7599 152 7630 153 7661 152 7689 147 7712 140 7726 132 [[The Asian Conference on Ethics  Religion and Philosophy 2012]]
poly 7898 16 7896 12 7888 8 7876 5 7862 4 7845 3 7829 4 7814 5 7802 8 7794 12 7792 16 7794 20 7802 24 7814 27 7829 29 7845 29 7862 29 7876 27 7888 24 7896 20 [[ACERP 2013]]
poly 7946 122 7941 113 7927 104 7905 97 7876 93 7845 92 7814 93 7786 97 7763 104 7749 113 7744 122 7749 132 7763 140 7786 147 7814 152 7845 153 7876 152 7905 147 7927 140 7941 132 [[The Asian Conference on Ethics  Religion & Philosophy 2013]]
poly 8102 16 8099 12 8091 8 8078 5 8062 4 8044 3 8026 4 8010 5 7997 8 7989 12 7986 16 7989 20 7997 24 8010 27 8026 29 8044 29 8062 29 8078 27 8091 24 8099 20 [[ACERP 20132]]
poly 8129 122 8125 113 8113 104 8094 97 8070 93 8044 92 8018 93 7994 97 7975 104 7963 113 7959 122 7963 132 7975 140 7994 147 8018 152 8044 153 8070 152 8094 147 8113 140 8125 132 [[Asian Conference on Ethics  Religion  and Philosophy 2013]]
poly 8287 16 8285 12 8278 8 8268 5 8255 4 8240 3 8226 4 8212 5 8202 8 8195 12 8193 16 8195 20 8202 24 8212 27 8226 29 8240 29 8255 29 8268 27 8278 24 8285 20 [[ACHI 2008]]
poly 8338 122 8333 110 8319 99 8298 90 8270 85 8240 83 8210 85 8183 90 8161 99 8147 110 8142 122 8147 135 8161 146 8183 154 8210 160 8240 162 8270 160 8298 154 8319 146 8333 135 [[The first international conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interaction]]
poly 8502 16 8500 12 8494 8 8485 5 8473 4 8461 3 8448 4 8436 5 8427 8 8421 12 8419 16 8421 20 8427 24 8436 27 8448 29 8461 29 8473 29 8485 27 8494 24 8500 20 [[ACI 2008]]
poly 8570 122 8565 113 8549 104 8525 97 8494 93 8461 92 8427 93 8396 97 8372 104 8356 113 8351 122 8356 132 8372 140 8396 147 8427 152 8461 153 8494 152 8525 147 8549 140 8565 132 [[International Workshop on Ambient Computing and Intelligence]]
poly 8728 16 8726 12 8719 8 8710 5 8697 4 8684 3 8670 4 8658 5 8648 8 8642 12 8640 16 8642 20 8648 24 8658 27 8670 29 8684 29 8697 29 8710 27 8719 24 8726 20 [[ACII 2007]]
poly 8785 122 8780 110 8766 99 8743 90 8715 85 8684 83 8653 85 8624 90 8602 99 8588 110 8583 122 8588 135 8602 146 8624 154 8653 160 8684 162 8715 160 8743 154 8766 146 8780 135 [[International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction]]
poly 8953 16 8951 12 8943 8 8931 5 8916 4 8899 3 8882 4 8867 5 8855 8 8847 12 8845 16 8847 20 8855 24 8867 27 8882 29 8899 29 8916 29 8931 27 8943 24 8951 20 [[ACIIDS 2010]]
poly 9000 122 8995 113 8981 104 8959 97 8930 93 8899 92 8868 93 8840 97 8817 104 8803 113 8798 122 8803 132 8817 140 8840 147 8868 152 8899 153 8930 152 8959 147 8981 140 8995 132 [[2nd Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems]]
poly 9142 16 9140 12 9133 8 9123 5 9110 4 9096 3 9082 4 9069 5 9059 8 9052 12 9050 16 9052 20 9059 24 9069 27 9082 29 9096 29 9110 29 9123 27 9133 24 9140 20 [[ACIS 2013]]
poly 9179 122 9175 113 9163 104 9145 97 9121 93 9096 92 9070 93 9047 97 9029 104 9017 113 9013 122 9017 132 9029 140 9047 147 9070 152 9096 153 9121 152 9145 147 9163 140 9175 132 [[The Second Asian Conference on Information Systems]]
poly 9336 16 9333 12 9326 8 9315 5 9300 4 9285 3 9269 4 9254 5 9243 8 9236 12 9233 16 9236 20 9243 24 9254 27 9269 29 9285 29 9300 29 9315 27 9326 24 9333 20 [[ACIVS 2008]]
poly 9378 122 9373 113 9360 104 9339 97 9313 93 9285 92 9256 93 9230 97 9209 104 9196 113 9191 122 9196 132 9209 140 9230 147 9256 152 9285 153 9313 152 9339 147 9360 140 9373 132 [[Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems]]
poly 9537 16 9535 12 9529 8 9519 5 9507 4 9494 3 9480 4 9468 5 9459 8 9452 12 9450 16 9452 20 9459 24 9468 27 9480 29 9494 29 9507 29 9519 27 9529 24 9535 20 [[ACL 2008]]
poly 9597 122 9592 113 9577 104 9555 97 9526 93 9494 92 9462 93 9433 97 9410 104 9396 113 9391 122 9396 132 9410 140 9433 147 9462 152 9494 153 9526 152 9555 147 9577 140 9592 132 [[The 46th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics]]</imagemap>

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current20:28, 26 June 2016Thumbnail for version as of 20:28, 26 June 20164,800 × 96 (85 KB)Liy1 (talk | contribs)generated by the GraphViz extension from the Graph test page
20:28, 26 June 2016Thumbnail for version as of 20:28, 26 June 20164,800 × 96 (85 KB)Liy1 (talk | contribs)generated by the GraphViz extension from the Graph test page
20:27, 26 June 2016Thumbnail for version as of 20:27, 26 June 20169,600 × 192 (213 KB)Liy1 (talk | contribs)generated by the GraphViz extension from the Graph test page
20:26, 26 June 2016Thumbnail for version as of 20:26, 26 June 20163,744 × 347 (128 KB)Liy1 (talk | contribs)generated by the GraphViz extension from the Graph test page
20:26, 26 June 2016Thumbnail for version as of 20:26, 26 June 2016960 × 89 (20 KB)Liy1 (talk | contribs)generated by the GraphViz extension from the Graph test page
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