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Pages using the property "Has conclusion"

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A Probabilistic-Logical Framework for Ontology Matching +We presented a Markov logic based framework for ontology matching capturing a wide range of matching strategies. Since these strategies are expressed with a unified syntax and semantics we can isolate variations and empirically evaluate their effects. Even though we focused only on a small subset of possible alignment strategies the results are already quite promising. We have also successfully learned weights for soft formulae within the framework. In cases where training data is not available, weights set manually by experts still result in improved alignment quality. Research related to determining appropriate weights based on structural properties of ontologies is a topic of future work.  +
A Semantic Web Middleware for Virtual Data Integration on the Web +In this contribution a mediator-based system for virtual data integration based on SemanticWeb technology has been presented. The system is primarily developed for sharing scientific data, but because of its generic architecture, it is supposed to be used for many other Semantic Web applications. In this paper query federation based on SPARQL and Jena/ARQ has been demonstrated in detail and several concepts for query optimization which is currently on the agenda have been discussed. Additional contributions can be expected after the implementation of additional features mentioned before.  +
A Survey of Current Link Discovery Frameworks +We investigated ten LD frameworks and compared their functionality based on a common set of criteria. The criteria cover the main steps such as the configuration of linking specifications and methods for matching and runtime optimization. We also covered general aspects such as the supported input formats and link types, support for a GUI and software availability as open source. We observed that the considered tools already provide a rich functionality with support for semi-automatic configuration including advanced learning-based approaches such as unsupervised genetic programming or active learning. On the other side, we found that most tools still focus on simple property-based match techniques rather than using the ontological context within structural matchers. Furthermore, existing links and background knowledge are not yet exploited in the considered frameworks. More comprehensive support of efficiency techniques is also necessary such as the combined use of blocking, filtering and parallel processing. We also analyzed comparative evaluations of the LD frameworks to assess their relative effectiveness and efficiency. In this respect, the OAEI instance matching track is the most relevant effort and we thus analyzed its match tasks and the tool participation and results for the last years. Unfortunately, the participation has been rather low thereby preventing the comparative evaluation between most of the tools. Moreover, the focus of the contest has been on effectiveness so far while runtime efficiency has not yet been evaluated. To better assess the relative effectiveness and efficiency of LD tools it would be valuable to test them on a common set of benchmark tasks on the same hardware. Given the general availability of the tools and the existence of a considerable set of match task definitions and datasets this should be feasible with reasonable effort.  +
ANAPSID: An Adaptive Query Processing Engine for SPARQL Endpoints +We have defined ANAPSID, an adaptive query processing engine for RDF Linked Data accessible through SPARQL endpoints. ANAPSID provides a set of physical operators and an execution engine able to adapt the query execution to the availability of the endpoints and to hide delays from users. Reported experimental results suggest that our proposed techniques reduce execution times and are able to produce answers when other engines fail. Also, depending on the selectivity of the join operator and the data transfer delays, ANAPSID operators may overcome state-of-the-art Symmetric Hash Join operators. In the future, we plan to extend ANAPSID with more powerful and lightweight operators like Eddy and MJoin, which are able to route received responses through different operators and adapt the execution to unpredictable delays by changing the order in which each data item is routed.  +
Accessing and Documenting Relational Databases through OWL Ontologies +In this paper, we presented a completely automated approach to map relational databases and ontologies. The system proposed is capable of extracting an ontological view of the relational schema, and to enable SPARQL access to the relational data source by means of a query rewriting mechanism. The same approach can be used to efficiently store relational ontologies on a RDBMS; moreover, the mapping we devised is completely based on OWL with no need to resort to a new formalism. The impact of this system has been discussed considering three main applications: (i) publishing of relational data in an ontological format, (ii) documentation of relational schemas by means of ontological annotations, and (iii) efficient relational storage for data-intensive ontologies.  +
Adaptive Integration of Distributed Semantic Web Data +An adaptive framework has been presented for executing queries over multiple SPARQL endpoints that differs from existing approaches which use static query optimisation techniques. Many SPARQL web services are currently available and the number of them is growing. The work presented in this paper is a framework for executing queries over federations of such services. The framework proposed in this paper, which allows adaptive query processing over dynamically constructed predicate tables to be performed in conjunction with the construction of the predicate tables, was shown to perform relatively well in unpredictable environments where source query failures may occur. The prototype implemented was evaluated using real data, showing some advantage in terms of response times of adaptive over non-adaptive methods using a subset of DBPedia..  +
AgreementMaker: Efficient Matching for Large Real-World Schemas and Ontologies +No data available now.  +
Analysing Scholarly Communication Metadata of Computer Science Events +In summary, we made the following observations: With the number of submissions to the top conferences having tripled on average in the last three decades, acceptance rates are going down slightly. Most of those conferences that are A- or A*-rated today have a long continuity. In summary, we made the following observations: With the number of submissions to the top conferences having tripled on average in the last three decades, acceptance rates are going down slightly. Most of those conferences that are A- or A*-rated today have a long continuity. Geographical distribution is not generally relevant; some good conferences take place in the same location; others cycle between continents. Good conferences always take place around the same time of the year. This might mean that the community got used to them being important events. Some topics have attracted increasing interest recently e.g., database topics thanks to the `big data' trend. This might be confirmed by further investigations into more recent, emerging events in such fields.  +
Avalanche: Putting the Spirit of the Web back into Semantic Web Querying +In this paper we presented Avalanche , a novel approach for querying the Web of Data that (1) makes no assumptions about data distribution, availability, or partitioning, (2) provides up-to-date results, and (3) is flexible since it assumes nothing about the structure of participating triple stores. Specifically, we showed that Avalanche is able to execute non-trivial queries over distributed data-sources with an ex-ante unknown data-distribution. We showed two possible utility functions to guide the planning and execution over the distributed data-sources—the basic simple model and an extended model exploiting join estimation. We found that whilst the simple model found some results faster it did find less results than the extended model using the same stopping criteria. We believe that if we were to query huge information spaces the overhead of badly selected plans will be subdued by the better but slower plans of the extended utility function. To our knowledge, Avalanche is the first Semantic Web query system that makes no assumptions about the data distribution whatsoever. Whilst it is only a first implementation with a number of drawbacks it represents a first important towards bringing the spirit of the web back to triple-stores—a major condition to fulfill the vision of a truly global and open Semantic Web.  +
Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey +In this paper, we tried to present the wealth of research work marrying the worlds of relational databases and Semantic Web. We illustrated the variety of different approaches and identified the main challenges that researchers of this field face as well as proposed solutions.  +
Cross: an OWL wrapper for teasoning on relational databases +In this paper, we have proposed the ODBC model, a formalization of relational databases focusing on their logic model. We have then presented a transformation of that model into OWL, a DL-based language designed for the Semantic Web. This transformation is implemented by the Cross open-source prototype, which effectively introduces the interesting notion of semantic values. We proved that the knowledge-based produced by this transformation is consistent if and only if the source database state is weakly legal (i.e. legal but regarding foreign key constraints). Taking advantage of that result, we have shown how that transformation can prove useful for the purpose of analysing legacy RDBs, enhancing existing RDBs with additional constraints, and integrating them in the SW.  +
D2RQ – Treating Non-RDF Databases as Virtual RDF Graphs +D2RQ offers a flexible, easy-to-use access mechanism to non-RDF databases. It allows the integration of legacy databases into the data access architecture currently standardized by the W3C Data Access Working Group  +
DataMaster – a Plug-in for Importing Schemas and Data from Relational Databases into Protégé +In this paper, we have presented the DataMaster Protégé plug-in, which allows a user to import schema structures and data from relational databases accessible through JDBC. We have presented the four ontologies that can be used to represent the database structure and the table data and finally we have given a short overview of the different import options available in the DataMaster plug-in.  +
Discovering and Maintaining Links on the Web of Data +We presented the Silk framework, a flexible tool for discovering links between entities within different web data sources. The Silk-LSL link specification language was introduced and its applicability was demonstrated within a life science use case. We then proposed the WOD-LMP protocol for synchronizing and maintaining links between continuously changing Linked Data sources.  +
FedX: Optimization Techniques for Federated Query Processing on Linked Data +In this paper, we proposed novel optimization techniques for efficient SPARQL query processing in the federated setting. As revealed by our benchmarks, bound joins combined with our grouping and source selection approaches are effective in terms of performance. By minimizing the number of intermediate requests, we are able to improve query performance significantly compared to state-of-the-art systems. We presented FedX, a practical solution that allows for querying multiple distributed Linked Data sources as if the data resides in a virtually integrated RDF graph. Compatible with the SPARQL 1.0 query language, our framework allows clients to integrate available SPARQL endpoints on-demand into a federation without any local preprocessing. While we focused on optimization techniques for conjunctive queries, namely basic graph patterns (BGPs), there is additional potential in developing novel, operator-specific optimization techniques for distributed settings (in particular for OPTIONAL queries), which we are planning to address in future work. As our experiments confirm, the optimization of BGPs alone (combined with common equivalent rewritings) already yields significant performance gains. Important features for federated query processing are the federation extensions proposed for the upcoming SPARQL 1.1 language definition. These allow to specify data sources directly within the query using the SERVICE operator, and moreover to attach mappings to the query as data using the BINDINGS operator. When implementing the SPARQL 1.1 federation extensions for our next release,FedX can exploit these language features to further improve performance. In fact, the SPARQL 1.1 SERVICE keyword is a trivial extension, which enhances our source selection approach with possibilities for manual specification of new sources and gives the query designer more control. Statistics can in uence performance tremendously in a distributed setting. Currently, FedX does not use any local statistics since we follow the design goal of on-demand federation setup. We aim at providing a federation framework, in which data sources can be integrated ad-hoc, and used immediately for query processing. In a future release, (remote) statistics (e.g., using VoID ) can be incorporated for source selection and to further improve our join order algorithm.  +
From Relational Data to RDFS Models +In this paper we have introduced FDR2 – a technique that enables us to link relational and RDF/S data models. According to FDR2 a relational schema is automatically created to explicate the structure and internal relationships between elements of a relational collection of data. Explication of virtual relations allows the user to construct a relational schema specific RDMap by defining relationships between concepts from the relational schema and a domain ontology. The actual relational data are automatically expressed in RDF according to the generated relational schema. Run-time integration is achieved by applying an RDFS reasoner to merge the above-mentioned components into a single RDFS model and to deduct necessary entailments. A resulting run-time model allows to access the relational data with queries termed according to the domain ontology. FDR2 is purely RDF/S-based and does not require any additional software components except an RDFS reasoner.  +
Integration of Scholarly Communication Metadata using Knowledge Graphs +In this paper, we presented the concept of Scholarly Communication Metadata Knowledge Graph (SCM-KG), which integrates heterogeneous, distributed schemas, data and metadata from a variety of scholarly communication data sources. As a proof-of-concept, we developed an SCM-KG pipeline to create a knowledge graph by integrating data collected from heterogeneous data sources. We showed the capability of parallelization in rule-based data mappings, and we also presented how semantic similarity measures are applied to determine the relatedness of concepts in two resources in terms of the relatedness of their RDF interlinking structure. Results of the empirical evaluation suggest that the integration approach pursued by the SCM-KG pipeline is able to effectively integrate pieces of information spread across different data sources. The experiments suggest that the rule based mapping together with semantic structure based instance matching technique implemented in the SCM-KG pipeline integrates data in a knowledge graph with high accuracy. Although our initial use case addresses the scientific metadata domain, we generated billions of triples with high accuracy in mapping and linking, and we regard it capable at an industrial scale and in use cases demanding high precision.  +
KnoFuss: A Comprehensive Architecture for Knowledge Fusion +-  +
LIMES - A Time-Efficient Approach for Large-Scale Link Discovery on the Web of Data +We presented the LIMES framework, which implements a very time-efficient approach for the discovery of links between knowledge bases on the Linked Data Web. We evaluated our approach both with synthetic and real data and showed that it outperforms state-of-the-art approaches with respect to the number of comparisons and runtime. In particular, we showed that the speedup of our approach grows with the a-priori time complexity of the mapping task, making our framework especially suitable for handling large-scale matching tasks (cf. results of the SimCities experiment).  +
LogMap: Logic-based and Scalable Ontology Matching +In this paper, we have presented LogMap, a highly scalable ontology matching tool with built-in reasoning and diagnosis capabilities. LogMap's features and scalability behaviour make it well-suited for matching large-scale ontologies. LogMap, however, is still an early-stage prototype and there is plenty of room for improvement.  +
Optimizing SPARQL Queries over Disparate RDF Data Sources through Distributed Semi-joins +We briefly presented our Sesame extension Distributed SPARQL which aims at providing an integrated way of querying data sources scattered across multiple SPARQL endpoints. We shortly described its implementation and optimization used so far and outlined the direction for its future development. Distributed SPARQL is a part of Networked Graphs project and is publicly available at https://launchpad.net/networkedgraphs.  +
Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources with SPARQL +DARQ offers a single interface for querying multiple, distributed SPARQL end-points and makes query federation transparent to the client. One key feature of DARQ is that it solely relies on the SPARQL standard and therefore is compatible to any SPARQL endpoint implementing this standard. Using service descriptions provides a powerful way to dynamically add and remove endpoints to the query engine in a manner that is completely transparent to the user. To reduce execution costs we introduced basic query optimization for SPARQL queries. Our experiments show that the optimization algorithm can drastically improve query performance and allow distributed answering of SPARQL queries over distributed sources in reasonable time. Because the algorithm only relies on a very small amount of statistical information we expect that further improvements are possible using techniques. An important issue when dealing with data from multiple data sources are differences in the used vocabularies and the representation of information. In further work, we plan to work on mapping and translation rules between the vocabularies used by different SPARQL endpoints. Also, we will investigate generalizing the query patterns that can be handled and blank nodes and identity relationships across graphs.  +
Querying over Federated SPARQL Endpoints : A State of the Art Survey +Federation query over SPARQL Endpoints made a significant progress in the recent years. Although a number of federation frameworks have already been developed, the field is still relatively far from maturity. Based on our experience with the existing federation frameworks, the frameworks mostly focus on source selection and join optimization during query execution. In this work, we have presented a list of federation frameworks over SPARQL Endpoints along with their features. According to this list, the user can have considerations to choose the suitable federation framework for their case. We have classied those framework into three categories: i) framework interprets SPARQL 1.1 query to execute federation SPARQL query covering VALUES and SERVICE operator; ii) framework handles SPARQL 1.0 query and has responsibility to find relevant source for a query and join incoming result from SPARQL Endpoints; and iii) framework accepts SPARQL 1.0 and translate the incoming query to SPARQL 1.1 format. Based on the current generation of federation frameworks surveyed in this paper, it still requires further improvements to make frameworks more effective in a broader range of applications. We suggested several features that could be included in the future developments. Finally, we point out challenges for future research directions.  +
Querying the Web of Data with Graph Theory-based Techniques +In this paper we present a novel graph theory-based approach for improved performance and scalability of distributed SPARQL query processing. We propose several key techniques adopted in the distributed SPARQL query engine that we developed (GDS). First, an extended MST algorithm which supports arbitrary SPARQL queries and provides better performance. Second, a simplified cost model using run-time statistics that lows requirement of service descriptions but provides good cost estimations. Third, a combination of semi-join and bind-join along with local cache that reduce network tracffic. We also compare our approach with DARQ and FedX in terms of performance and scalability. The results suggest that graph theory-based approach using lightweight service descriptions can provide better performance and scalability over other approaches Although these results are encouraging, the potential of graph theory-based approach can be developed further. First, GDS applies MST-based algorithm to BGPs rather than the whole query. BGPs are optimized separately even they are from the same query (i.e. UNION and OPTIONAL queries). In the future we aim to work on representing the whole query as a single graph and therefore provide better optimization for queries having multiple BGPs. Second, GDS does not take advantage of FILTER in optimization, which would further improve performance. Third, accurate and detailed service descriptions matters. The more accurate statistics we have, the more optimal query plan we get. Currently collecting quality service descriptions are not feasible on a large scale since most SPARQL endpoints do not provide service descriptions. However, this situation is improving as more and more approaches coming up. For example, SPARQL 1.1 aggregation features enable us to collect service descriptions more efficiently, and VoiD encourages SPARQL endpoints to publish service descriptions as well. Fourth, aggregation features in the upcoming SPARQL 1.1 (e.g. BINDINGS) can also save much efforts of our approach. In addition to these improvements, we are planning to explore the co-reference issue in the Linked Data cloud. From the perspective of distributed SPARQL queries, this issue is getting worse as more data are published , and we plan to address this issue by using our Virtual Graph approach.  +
Querying the Web of Interlinked Datasets using VOID Descriptions +In this paper, we have introduced a query federation engine called WoDQA that discovers related datasets in a VOID store for a query and distributes the query over these datasets. The novelty of our approach is exhaustive dataset selection mechanism which includes analysis of triple pattern relations and links between datasets besides analyzing datasets for each triple pattern. WoDQA focuses on discovering relevant datasets and eliminating irrelevant ones using a rule-based approach introduced in this paper. Our approach requires query the dataset, reflect actual content of the dataset completely and accurately, and include linksets between datasets to select datasets ectively. WoDQA allows users to construct raw queries without the need to know how query will divide into sub-queries and where sub-queries are executed. Query results are complete under the assumption of available, accurate and complete VOID descriptions of datasets. The initial version of WoDQA which is introduced in this paper has some disadvantages arising from query federation approach which WoDQA builds upon. As mentioned previously, follow-your-nose has some problems such as missing results and large document retrieval. Similar problems may occur for query federation. Firstly, to find complete results to queries, it is required that metadata of all datasets must be well-defined and accurate. But, to provide such an accurate dataset metadata an automated mechanism which continuously updates the metadata is required. However, even there would be a tool which implements this requirement, providing accurate dataset metadata via such a tool is the responsibility of dataset publishers. Another problems of query federation are high latency and low selectivity of datasets which are similar to retrieval of large documents in follow-your-nose. Query optimization can be a solution for these problems of query federation. Grouping triple patterns to lter more triples on an endpoint can prevent high latency (required processing time) and changing query evaluation order according to dataset selectivity statistics can prevent retrieving large result sets. To make WoDQA functioning in the wild, optimization step of query federation is required to be implemented. We plan to incorporate triple pattern selectivity into query reorganization using VOID properties about statistics. On the other hand, we could not make an evaluation of our approach in this paper, since VOID documents in current VOID stores are not well-dened. Since SPARQL endpoint denitions, linkset descriptions or vocabularies are missing in most of VOID documents, we could not nd a chance to execute comprehensive scenarios. Developing a tool which extracts well-dened VOID descriptions of datasets, and by this means evaluating our approach is a required future work to confirm applicability of WoDQA on linked open data. Also, evaluating the analysis cost of WoDQA for a large VOID store will be possible when well-dened VOIDs are constructed.  +
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Has type
"Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
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