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Dear Donna, I am reluctant to think that you have any idea what I may or may not be aware of, and mean spriited? Did you read what you wrote before you posted it; or simply rant and click? I am impressed with the cult like loyalty Ron Paul</a> seems to have in his supporters, but concerned at the same time for the same reasons. I do know a little about history, and in spite of your desire to buy into all the conspiracy theories about the Rothschild family, and the assignations of Lincoln and Kennedy, neither the gold</a> standard nor the fantasy to end war will change real history. Since I know nothing about you I will assume that you have learned enough actual history to know that there has never been any period of time in the past 8000 years when there was not a war being fought; many of them involving Islam. And I am also sure that you are aware that there are currently more that twenty-nine separate wars being fought today with radical Islam on one side. The fact is that Ron Paul cannot stop war in the world; he can only bring it closer to home so that our brave men and women in the military don't have to go so far to fight.